Why can’t we sell replica products on shopify, bigcommerce, wix, ecwid or some saas platforms?

First of all, let’s understand the concept of “saas e-commerce”. What is the saas e-commerce? A saas e-commerce is an e-commerce software platform delivered as a cloud-based system, internet users can access this system through all types of web browsers. That is to say, seller can create one stand alone website through one saas e-commerce.

Some well-known saas e-commerce platforms include shopify, bigcommerce, wix and ecwid, especially the shopify, it is very famous, these e-commerce platforms are typically sold on a subscription basis. People can easily open a store on shopify.

It has to be said that the shopify is a very powerful platform for selling non illegal products, however, it is not suitable for selling replicas, to be precise, all saas e-commerce platforms are not suitable for selling replicas.

Why seller can not upload any replica item to saas e-commerce platform?

1)、Replica products are not allowed by all these platform, It has jurisprudence basis for platform responsible for their copyright infringement.

2)、Saas platform profits from subscription basis fees, order commissions, and other value-added services, such as selling theme templates or plugins BUT NOT replica product.

That is to say, it is not allowed to sell any replicas when opening a store on the saas platform. Otherwise, your store link will be removed and your money will be frozen immediately.

It is important to note that the replica business is not within saas platform scope of their consideration, and saas platform has not focused on this industry, it has no deep understanding of the industry rules, changes and solutions, let alone being able to provide technical services in this industry. Especially for replica advertising methods, they often change. Once there are updates to the Facebook algorithm or Google spider algorithm, your ads methods should also be synchronized and followed up.

For the saas platform, such as cloak, anti complaint, AB website framework, polling switch payment etc , these are all useless and unpopular technology.

The huge replica market cannot stop sellers from wanting to make huge profits, how do they to create one replica product e-commerce website? Utilizing some open-source self built website, such as opencart, wordpress or magento framework, On the basis of open source frameworks, incorporating technologies and special algorithms suitable for the replication industry to achieve the goal, You can refer to this article: How to create a replicas product e-commerce website?

The replica e-commerce seller believe that: the most important point is that your own website is not regulated by third-party platforms and it will not be banned.

Reproduction is not allowed without permission:Create replicas e-commerce website-counterfeit & fake products website payment AB jump payment for paypal and stripe - Facebook ads cloaking-replicas supply drop shipping for stand alone websites » Why can’t we sell replica products on shopify, bigcommerce, wix, ecwid or some saas platforms?

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