As is well known, we can not sell replica item on well-known e-commerce website, such as Amazon, ebey, shopify, aliexpress etc, otherwise, the store link will be removed and your money will be frozen quickly.
However, I have encountered too many sellers selling such product In my many years of program development employment. Open Google and you will find that people are selling replica products in almost most countries around the world.
Enter any keyword related to the replica product on Google, such as “replica lv shoes”, you will find many domain name websites which is ending in ”. ru” or “.is” are selling such products.
Click on these websites, you will find such replica items are sold fair and square with amazing price and the sale volume is naturally very impressive.
Why they can sell replica products without being stopped?
This is a very serious and professional question! They are able to do such things only because they have launched their own replica product e-commerce website, which uses “anti -complaint” and “cloak” technology. This maybe a little difficult to understand, but I am very good at it, because I have solved too many such problems for customers who sell replica products, I have deeply cultivate replica product industry more than 8 years, especially in terms of website construction technology, secure payment technology, and cloak technology. Now, let me explain these details systematically.
In addition, these sellers are very proficient in: Something about counterfeit replicas product, replicas e-commerce website and its market
One professional replica product e-commerce website needs to include several technologies: domain name anti-complaint, website host server anti-complaint, safe payment, cloak technology.
1)、Domain Name Anti-complaint
As is well known, selling replicas is very common all over the world, a large number of sellers exist in the United States, Canada and Europe, they sell such products worldwide through their own replica product e-commerce websites, over time, the domain names of their websites will be complained about by the brand owner(such as Rolex, Nike, Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel etc). Selling replicas seriously damages the interests of brand owners, so complaints will never stop. If your website ends with a “.com” suffix, it is inevitable that your domain name will be confiscated quickly!
It is a wise choice to use domain names ending in “.co”, “.kp”, “.is” or “.ru”, especially for website operators who do SEO traffic. of course, if you are doing facebook or google advertising, considering the conversion rate, it is still appropriate to use the “.com” type domain name, because this method of obtaining traffic requires frequent domain name changes.
Why such domain name is anti-complaint, although brand owners initiate complaints, such domain name merchants will directly ignore, it is related to the policies of the local country, therefore, it is very safe for website owner. Compared to the “. com” type domain name, the situation is different, once the brand owners initiate complaint, your website domain name will be locked and confiscated immediately, because the “. com” type domain name belongs to the control of the US authorities, they will not allow this situation to occur and there is no tolerance and there is no room for negotiation!
2)、Website Host Server Anti-complaint
A regular host server is not suitable, such as AWS(Amazon Web Services), Vultr, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud etc, Once the brand complains, all data will be lost and the site will be shut down irretrievably which is a big disaster for website operators!
We choose some cloud server providers who will adopt a tolerant attitude towards complaints, these cloud server often hosted on Netherlands, China, Canada and Bulgaria, such as “”, “siteground”, “Ali cloud” etc. It is very important to choose a safe and high performance server hosting!
3)、Safe Payment Technology
Payment is the most important part for one replica product e-commerce website. We usually receive payment through PayPal, Stripe, or Credit Cards, however, if you receive payment directly without any safe techniques by paypal or stripe, your account will be restricted, and even funds will be frozen quickly!
In the overall direction, we adopt the AB framework to build the website and make jump payment. Simply put, “A” is a replica product website which is visible for buyer, and “B” is a legal product website which is not visible for buyer . Once the buyer make a payment, “A” website will notify “B” website to do the “payment” action, and transfer the B website order information to PayPal or Stripe.
However, is the solution of using only the AB website framework sufficient? Of course not enough! Because PayPal and striped spider are not fools, on the contrary, they are very intelligent, they can detect your tricks very accurately, therefore, more technological means and more complex algorithms are essential for our website, such as Crawler IP Library, Multiple Gateways Payment, Polling Switch Payment etc, These technical means are all what I can help customers solve and implement when they ask me for help building a replica product e-commerce website.
4)、Cloak Technology
Replica products are always rejected in advertising systems anywhere. If you create one ads on facebook or google and post your website link directly, your advertising account will soon be banned and your ads will be removed immediately.
How do these website owner publish advertisements on advertising platforms like Facebook or Google with many customers?
Using cloak!!!
The cloak is technology is their magic weapon.
What is cloak?
You can think of the cloak as a ads filter which can filter out spider for advertisements and guide them to the safe web-page, but pick out the real visitors and guide to your replica website target product page.
The above is only a superficial description for a replica product website, in fact, once you promote the replica website, you also need some resources, such as account resources, IP proxy tools etc. Anyway, having a professional website is the first step in developing this business.